Direct rip-off of Sqeezy's lines...
...but he'd better be frightened. You do them a lot better than him :O :O
Direct rip-off of Sqeezy's lines...
...but he'd better be frightened. You do them a lot better than him :O :O
Most funny clock flash I've seen for a while
STFU, locks are pritty much clocks........
Fuck you
portal / view / 112840
God... For the last time peeps this isn't a clock animation...
But I'm guessing you're a fan of Sqeezy...
u guessed correctly
Nice giggle
This is a great concept. I think once you've gotten better at flash, you could make a daily top 5 with this idea.
You need to fix some actionscript too
woah thanks! wasn't expecting this support! And yeah i'm not really that good with flash, only with sprites :)
Not only "sexy", but technically pleasing
(And by sexy, I mean shots and the story were purly based around Germaine's body. Not that I am aroused by fat butts)
It was'nt the sexual appeal that you rarly place in the seires that attracted me to this episode, but how Foamy was hit right back with his own theory. It was incredibly funny and witty and I'd love to see more of this kind of rebounding. I believe the extra effort in animation and increase in shot cuts and angles reenforces the episodes speed, thus giving the episode a real good atmosphere. I hav'nt seen this done since 'Nuts to you'.
Keep up this kind of quality work :)
Portal movie 112840
Ok man thats a clock movie lol.
the only similarity to this and that is the name.
This is more like it
A mammoth improvement from the contriversial Tomorrows Nobodies Episode 1. Its quick witty humour, and return of a few old charecters for die-hard fans makes this episode unmissable. Keep up the genius guys :P
dumb juvenile remixes since 2001
he/him, views are my own
Joined on 7/27/02