Very funny quick toon. Take a look :)
Very funny quick toon. Take a look :)
Truly inspiring
This is a deeply profound piece of flash art, and it truly hit me.
Hence, I've bought you a book from your Amazon wishlist. I look forward to your future work.
My top advice
Dont make a lengthy credits sequence for something so short. This is a flash cartoon, not a hollywood movie. My next toon so far is 10 minutes long, but still I think it only deserves a 10 second credits sequence.
Anyways, great toon <3
I know, I just like that song. ^__^
Thanks for the good constructive review :)
Not much of a parody, but a great tribute
I love the cockney savour, and your great sense of weebl humour. Made me chuckle.
Absolutly classic
Not a lot of flashes get me laughing at all, maybe some chemical happiness or whatnot, but parts of this got me laughing loud. Well done :D
dumb juvenile remixes since 2001
he/him, views are my own
Joined on 7/27/02