I am very impressed
3DMuffins models here are one of the few that I've seen that actually look like their 2d counterparts. Something very difficult to do in 3d. I will now email him about this biography :P :P :P
I am very impressed
3DMuffins models here are one of the few that I've seen that actually look like their 2d counterparts. Something very difficult to do in 3d. I will now email him about this biography :P :P :P
heh.. thank you..
the portal rules
Voice of santa says...
This is a very funny and entertaining christmas movie :) However I did not like the abrupt ending. No offense :) :) :)
i was lazy and i didnt had much time..
so i had to deleted a few scenes from the script :P
Very good
However, try to keep the action flowing :) Also, you may want to try some real life blood and guts.
e.g. Brain shot. cut from background shot of wall, to background shot of wall with spagehtii bolognase all over it.
then I would have to clean it up afterwards...
Great movie :)
However, please learn to keep consistent with the voices (Strawberry's voice mysteriously changes', and also, The almight B is Times New Roman formatted.
I slowed down StrawberryClocks voice in his movie to show he was acting (badly.)
I'm very ashamed that I represented the mighty letter B wrong :(
In reply to Metals post
Of course it is coming out, and you knew that. Well, talk to you later...
i know. i will delete it tomorrow if you wish..
i was just bored
You know what you doing
So now I wont be releasing any more previews for you to get your ideas from.
excuse me? how the hell is this like any of your kovies ? please..
I like clocks, but I must admit...
...this flash is action-packed and exciting, plus the ending leave you hanging. Speaking of the ending, SHIT! I'm going to have to completly rescript 'The Portal : Training' now :S Lol
Wow, it's great to see that I'm making some people happy, thanks. Just know that the third may have some more compassion towards clocks, so you won't have to worry about me hating them. Oh, and about your movie... don't rescript just cause of me. :-P
He he. Another copy!
Yup. He copied my movie again, but I love it! He he! Good work Eric, and I hope lots of people audition, rather than my poxy 50.
What movie are you referring to?
Make your own stuff!
Me and Eric (NG Survivor bloke) talk :
Eric says:
i can't believe someone likes my stuff that much that they actually tried to rip it off
Eric says:
SMcClure34 says:
Why dont you make a quick movie, right now, called 'Message to 'KYLE COMESU''. and all it could be is Judge Manthis saying that he is a dope fiend or something
SMcClure34 says:
Do it right now
Eric says:
SMcClure34 says:
yeah im sorry i know i did take the idea.... but i dont think i ripd it off
btw i love ure ng survivor and i want to c MORE
👔 advanced rigger ttgames
💠aspie, he/him, views are my own
👋 aka mrsimon, internet has-been.
Joined on 7/27/02